![]() X-Designer - The Leading X/Motif GUI Builder - Click to download a FREE evaluation |
1. Introduction to Motif
- Basic User Interface Concepts
- What Is Motif?
- Designing User Interfaces
2. The Motif Programming Model
- Basic X Toolkit Terminology and Concepts
- The Xm and Xt Libraries
- Programming With Xt and Motif
- Summary
3. Overview of the Motif Toolkit
- The Motif Style
- Application Controls
- Application Layout
- Putting Together a Complete Application
- Changes in Motif 2.1
- Summary
4. The Main Window
- Creating a MainWindow
- The MenuBar
- The Command and Message Areas
- Using Resources
- Summary
- Exercises
5. Introduction to Dialogs
- The Purpose of Dialogs
- The Anatomy of a Dialog
- Creating Motif Dialogs
- Dialog Resources
- Dialog Callback Routines
- Piercing the Dialog Abstraction
- Dialog Modality
- Summary
6. Selection Dialogs
- Types of SelectionDialogs
- SelectionDialogs
- PromptDialogs
- The Command Widget
- FileSelectionDialogs
- Summary
7. Custom Dialogs
- Modifying Motif Dialogs
- Designing New Dialogs
- Building a Dialog
- Generalizing the Action Area
- Using a TopLevelShell for a Dialog
- Positioning Dialogs
- Summary
8. Manager Widgets
- Types of Manager Widgets
- Creating Manager Widgets
- The BulletinBoard Widget
- The Form Widget
- The RowColumn Widget
- The Frame Widget
- The PanedWindow Widget
- Keyboard Traversal
- Summary
9. Containers and IconGadgets
- Creating a Container
- Creating IconGadgets
- Container Resources
- IconGadget Resources
- Container Constraints
- Container Callbacks
- Container Functions
- Summary
- Exercises
10. ScrolledWindows and ScrollBars
- The ScrolledWindow Design Model
- Creating a ScrolledWindow
- Working With ScrollBars
- Implementing True Application-defined Scrolling
- Working With Keyboard Traversal in ScrolledWindows
- Summary
- Exercises
11. The DrawingArea Widget
- Creating a DrawingArea Widget
- Using DrawingArea Callback Functions
- Using Translations on a DrawingArea
- Using Color in a DrawingArea
- Summary
- Exercises
12. Labels and Buttons
- Labels
- PushButtons
- ToggleButtons
- ArrowButtons
- DrawnButtons
- Summary
- Exercise
13. The List Widget
- Creating a List Widget
- Using ScrolledLists
- Manipulating Items
- Positioning the List
- Navigating the List
- List Callback Routines
- Summary
- Exercises
14. The ComboBox Widget
- Creating a ComboBox
- ComboBox Resources
- ComboBox Functions
- ComboBox Callbacks
- Summary
- Exercises
15. The SpinBox and SimpleSpinBox Widgets
- Creating a SimpleSpinBox
- Creating a SpinBox
- SpinBox and SimpleSpinBox Resources
- SpinBox and SimpleSpinBox Callbacks
- Summary
- Exercises
16. The Scale Widget
- Creating a Scale Widget
- Scale Values
- Scale Orientation and Movement
- Scale Resources
- Scale Callbacks
- Scale Tick Marks
- Summary
17. The Notebook Widget
- Creating a Notebook
- Notebook Resources
- Notebook Constraints
- Notebook Callbacks
- Notebook Functions
- Summary
18. Text Widgets
- Interacting With Text Widgets
- Text Widget Basics
- Text Clipboard Functions
- A Text Editor
- Text Callbacks
- Text Widget Internationalization
- Summary
- Exercises
19. Menus
- Menu Types
- Creating Simple Menus
- Designing Menu Systems
- General Menu Creation Techniques
- Summary
- Exercises
20. Interacting With the Window Manager
- Interclient Communication
- Shell Resources
- VendorShell Resources
- Handling Window Manager Messages
- Session Management
- Customized Protocols
- Summary
- Exercises
21. The Clipboard
- Simple Clipboard Copy and Retrieval
- Copy by Name
- Clipboard Data Formats
- The Primary Selection and the Clipboard
- Implementation Issues
- Summary
22. Drag and Drop
- Using Drag and Drop
- The Drag and Drop Model
- Customizing Built-in Drag and Drop
- Working With Drag Sources
- Working With Drop Sites
- Summary
23. The Uniform Transfer Model
- Overview
- Exporting the Data
- Requesting the Data Format
- Importing the Data
- Batched Data Transfer
- An Example
- Summary
24. Render Tables
- Renditions
- Render Tables
- Tab Lists
- An Example
- Render Tables and Resource Files
- Missing Fonts and Renditions
- Summary
25. Compound Strings
- Internationalized Text Output
- Creating Compound Strings
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- Parse Tables
- Rendering Compound Strings
- Summary
26. Signal Handling
- Handling Signals in X11R5
- Handling Signals in X11R6
- Summary
27. Advanced Dialog Programming
- Help Systems
- Working Dialogs
- Dynamic Message Symbols
- Summary
A. Additional Example Programs
- A Bitmap Display Utility
- A Memo Calendar